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Why Your Subwoofer Makes Popping Noises?


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There are few things as annoying as a subwoofer making popping noises. You’re trying to watch your favorite show or listen to music, and all you can hear is a popping sound every few seconds. What’s causing it, and how can you fix it?

1. A Loose Connection

If your subwoofer is connected to the audio source via a cable, then the popping noises could be caused by a loose connection.

Check both ends of the cable to make sure that it is securely plugged in. If it is, then try using a different cable to see if that solves the problem. If the problem persists, then you may have an issue with the subwoofer’s input.

2. The Amplifier Is Overworked

If your subwoofer is connected to an amplifier that is underpowered or you have the volume turned up too high, you may hear a popping sound. This is because the amplifier is working too hard and is unable to provide a clean signal to the subwoofer.

To fix this issue, try turning down the volume on the amplifier. If that doesn’t work, you may need to upgrade to a more powerful amplifier.

3. The Subwoofer Is Blown

Sometimes, a subwoofer will make a popping sound if it’s blown. This is a more common problem in a car subwoofer than a home subwoofer, but it can happen with any speaker that’s been pushed too hard for too long.

In a home subwoofer, you might notice other symptoms of a blown subwoofer, like a lack of bass or a rattling noise. If you think your subwoofer is blown, you can test it by playing a low-frequency sound and listening for distortion.

4. The Voice Coil Could Be Damaged

The voice coil is the part of the subwoofer that produces the sound. If it becomes damaged, you may notice that your subwoofer is making popping noises.

To check for a damaged voice coil, you will need to remove the subwoofer from the enclosure. Look for any signs of damage, such as burning or melting. If you see any damage, you will need to replace the voice coil.

If you are not comfortable replacing the voice coil yourself, you can take your subwoofer to a professional. They will be able to replace the voice coil for you.

5. The Surround Could Be Damaged

The surround is a flexible ring that connects the speaker cone to the basket. It’s most commonly made out of rubber or foam.

If the surround is damaged, then the cone will be able to move around too much. This will cause it to collide with the basket, which will create a popping noise.

A damaged surround is a relatively easy fix. You can simply replace the old surround with a new one.

6. The Cone Could Be Damaged

The cone on your subwoofer is the large, usually circular, part of the speaker that moves in and out to create sound waves.

If the cone is damaged, it will not be able to move properly and could create a popping sound.

A damaged cone can occur if the subwoofer is not placed in a secure location or if it is accidentally hit or dropped.

If you notice any damage to the cone, you should replace it as soon as possible.

7. The Amplifier Is Running Too Hot

The amplifier in your subwoofer is designed to handle a certain amount of power. If the amplifier is pushed beyond its limits, it can overheat and cause the subwoofer to make popping noises.

You can tell if the amplifier is running too hot by feeling the back of the subwoofer. If it’s too hot to touch, then you’ll need to turn the volume down on your receiver or get a subwoofer with a more powerful amplifier.

You can also add a cooling fan to your subwoofer to help keep the amplifier from getting too hot.


We hope that we have helped you solve your subwoofer popping problem. We have given you a few things to look for and ways to fix the problem. We hope that you can now enjoy your music and movies without any annoying popping noises.

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